Sifu Simon Moore

Simon began training Wing Chun in 1991, where he first met Sifu David Akroyd-Jones and Sifu Steve Woodward.

Walking home one night, he was subjected to an unprovoked attack by four ‘thugs’ and although he managed to get away without major injury, he decided that he needed to learn how to protect himself and his family, should such an event ever happen again.

He needed to regain his self-confidence and develop practical skills for self-defence, as the attack had left him not only physically but mentally scarred. On his admission, his knowledge of martial arts was pretty clichéd back then, and he says that he knew particularly little about Wing Chun.

Luckily for him, a Wing Chun class had just opened near his home, so he chanced a visit and since then has never looked back.

For 2 years he trained mainly with Sifu Akroyd-Jones until he and Sifu Woodward approached Sifu Shaun Rawcliffe of the Midlands Wing Chun Kuen Association for instruction. With this came an invitation for Simon to follow as he gladly did when invited. Simon says that if he ever had any doubts initially they were completely erased when he first attended a Seminar conducted by Sifu Rawcliffe followed shortly by one held by Master Ip Chun. He realized that his earlier training, although sound, was far from the level of Wing Chun that existed and that he was now able to learn.

“The impact of these events, I feel, set me up for where I find myself today and as my training continues, my intent to train Wing Chun and receive the benefits it brings in all aspects of my life, for as long as I can, has never been stronger.” – Simon Moore

Since moving to Pembrokeshire in 2017, Sifu Moore has established Cymru Wing Chun Kuen and can be contacted via email or mobile for information regarding classes and private tuition in his area.


mobile: +44 (0) 7969 667368